The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22375   Message #242037
Posted By: Conrad Bladey (Peasant- Inactive)
13-Jun-00 - 03:55 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: The Alarm
Subject: The Alarm
The Alarm!!* Or, Lord Fauconberg's March.

Tune- Chevy Chace

God prosper long our noble king,
And noblemen also,
Who valiantly, with sword in hand,
Do guard us from each foe.

No sooner did Lord Fauconberg,
with heart undaunted hear,
Than news to Gotham had been brought,
Which caus'd our Mayor to fear,

Than up he rose, with eyes on fire,
Most dreadful to the view;
To arms! to arms! aloud he cried,
and forth his falchion drew.

To arms! to arms! full long and sore
The rattling drums did beat:
To arms in haste each soldier flies,
And scours through every street.

The women shriek and wring their hands,
Their children weep around;
While some, more wise, fast bolt their doors,
And hide them under ground.

The French are at our gates! they cry,
And we shall all be slain;
For Dumourier is at their head,
And that arch-traitor Paine.

In haste drawn  up, in fair array,
Our Yorkshire Guards are seen;
And mounted on a jet black steed,
Lord Fauconberg I ween.

And now he gave the word to march,
And vailiant foremost rode:
And now he bounds from side to side--
'Twas well the streets were broad.

From Newgate down to the Broad-chare
They march'd with might and main;
Then gallantly they turn'd them round,
And so march'd up again.

Now fill a bumper to the brim,
And drink to Gotham's Mayor;
And when again he hears such news,
May Fauconberg be there.

-In: The Newcastle Song Book or Tyne-Side Songster., W&T Fordyce
Newcastle Upon Tyne.

* On the commencement of the impress service, in March, 1793
considerable riots took place at Shields, which were represented,
at Newcastle, in a thousand terrific shapes; and a false alarm
having been given at the Mansion house, the drums of the York Militia beat
to arms; Lord Fauconberg marched that regiment to the house of Rendezvous in the Broad
-chare, and then marched back again.

-In: The Newcastle Song Book or Tyne-Side Songster., W&T Fordyce
Newcastle Upon Tyne.