The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22385   Message #242075
Posted By: The Shambles
13-Jun-00 - 06:11 PM
Thread Name: Are you a lumper or a splitter?
Subject: Are you a lumper or a splitter?
In the some of the debates, musical and otherwise that we have had on The Mudcat the terms, 'lumpers' and 'splitters' are mentioned. These terms had their origin in biological classification. 'Lumpers' being those who lump species and groups together and 'splitters' who would divide into sub-species and smaller groups.

Whatever the subject of the debate, these tend to be the two extremes. More accurately I think these two extremes could be described as includers and excluders.

I always seem to find myself at the far end of the 'includers'.

This is not yet another attempt to start the 'what is folk' debate but to use it as an example, I would choose a larger inclusive definition than many others would. This is pretty much true for whatever the subject. Some people have strong views on what instruments should be excluded from certain types of music and I would not care, as long as they were played sensitively…..And so on.

It might be because I have a deep-seated fear of being excluded from things, who knows? It must be recognised however that exclusion is a painful process for those being excluded and my sympathies would tend to be with them. I have this mental image of a sad and lonely soul, walking home carrying their tuba, after being excluded from a bluegrass jam.

Are you a includer or an excluder? Do you find yourself in pretty much the same position on this scale or does your position vary, depending on the subject? And what does it all mean and is there any hope for the bluegrass tuba players among us?