The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113491   Message #2420858
Posted By: WFDU - Ron Olesko
23-Aug-08 - 04:38 PM
Thread Name: RE: have the American audiences gone?
Subject: RE: RE: have the AMERICAN audiences gone?
"So is the swing of the audiences leaving what was once a folk genre & heading to a softer more commerical SS typ?"

Barry, a few sentences earlier you said you did not want to get into a discussion of "is it folk". That is a loaded question!!!

Unfortunately it is hard to separate that from the discussion, but tastes change with the generations.   While the XFS sessions or the Tribes Hill events here in the NY area certainly differ in musical style from the shanty scene, they both represent a community that is developing a tradition and operating in a folk style. The oral tradition might have changed, the songs might not be traditional, but there is something happening that many people are enjoying and participating in. I would hesitate to call it "commercial", because it is isn't, but it is different. You do not have to be singing folk songs to make folk music.

Regardless of the difference - I think there are some lessons that can be learned. Why is one style, in your area, not supported as strongly. Why are people, in your area, gravitating toward SS instead of trad? Can, and more importantly - should anything be done?