The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3049   Message #2421366
Posted By: Steve Gardham
24-Aug-08 - 04:21 PM
Thread Name: Eppie Morie: What does it all mean?
Subject: RE: Eppie Morie: What does it all mean?

Steve : Having never seen an original volume of Child's I don't know if he quoted his sources either.
                      (He did)

There are occasional references to what we now call ballads from the late medieval period (I am thinking of the 14thC - 17thC) which quote the names by which they were then known. If those names are the same as some which have survived then the assumption is that they are the same ballads. Whether or not that assumption is reasonable is another question.            (I'd say IMHO that's reasonable, but only a very few are mentioned in this way and EM isn't one of them)

(Like Child I believe the 'genuine' ballads are those that spent some time after they were written in the repertoire of the common people.)

when it comes to narrative song, I *would* rather sing a good story. Even if it could be proved that "Eppie Morrie" was written by Cole Porter I would still enjoy singing it, and would prefer to sing it in preference to the 150+ verses of "The Geste of Robin Hood".
          (Absolutely and I would defend your stance with my life!)

But there you are, different strokes for different folks. (Absolutely, and didn't I say so?)

I would not care to guess its age. It would need an expert studying the original Mss available to Child for us to have an opinion as to a minimum age, and it would still be an opinion.
      (Rather conveniently there doesn't appear to have been a manuscript in this case. Child took it, like everyone else, from Maidment's book. And yes we can only express an opinion on it, and yours is as good as mine.)