The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2421937
Posted By: Donuel
25-Aug-08 - 03:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
You won't ever see a poll on this but if share holders were given the choice of making a greater profit or investing outside the USA to the further destruction of the American economy....

I think America would be a distant 2nd.

Speaking of polls today the talking points are that polls indicate that McCain and Obama are now dead even

however when you look at each of the seven different polls today NONE of them show a tie or McCain in the lead.

Other polls being hawked today say that 57% of America are worried that Obama is inexperienced.

Yes polls will do what ever your tone and shaping of the question dictates but they are effective propoganda tools for elections.
I wonder if people would be worried that a former prisoner and torture victim is claiming that being a prisoner is the best qualification for one to be president.

"Is being a tortured prisoner the best qualification to be president?"
If this were a poll question I predict 80% would say no
Rove counted on this last time.

Of America's 10 million prisoners, not all are felons unable to vote.
Hmmm lets poll the prisons