The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113847   Message #2423824
Posted By: Bobert
27-Aug-08 - 07:32 PM
Thread Name: BS: Harold Simmons, Big Fat Liar!!!
Subject: Obit: Harold Simmons, Big Fat Liar!!!
Well, for those of you who don't know Hraold Simmons, he is a filthy rich big fat liein' sumabich...

It was his money in '04 that financed 100% of the Swiftboaters and it is his money which is 100% financing the "American Issues Project" which is this election's swiftboating dummy organization...

Simmons has pledged $2.9.2M to buy ads that say that Obama said that he is proud that Bill Ayers bombed the Capitol building... The ad has now run about 300 times in Michigan, Ohio and Virginia and slated to run well over another 1000 times...

Problem is that Obama never said what the ad says he said... It is the BIG LIE!!! But if you have ebnought money it seems that you can do whatever you want...

Obam has allready crafted an ad to counter ans Obama and DNC attorneys are considering legal action, pehaps an injunction...

Good on Obama... Don't let this rich creep pull off another BIG LIE...

This man needs a good ol' fashioned ass whup... Maybe then he's get it...
