The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113186   Message #2423958
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
27-Aug-08 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
Dinner over, we got a little noisy, but we always get along. (The discussion turned to illegal immigration, and even with opposing views or understanding, it is still cordial).

Note to self: next time the Hatch chile peppers need to be seeded, wear the protective gloves. The fingers are still smarting!

Before dinner I cleared the dining table by putting things in the rooms where they need to go to be sorted or filed. Lot's for eBay. It wasn't perfect, but the stuff wasn't moved to the wrong place, I can work with it where it landed.

Kat, it got a bid finally, lots more looks, and more watchers. Let's hope this isn't a tempest in a teapot, that it actually goes somewhere. I even have a watcher on my cabinet listing. If it doesn't sell I'll take it to a consignment shop I stop at sometimes. I'd forgotten about that place, but he said I should send an email with the photos. If I want to sell the chairs over there I'd have to recover them first. They want stuff that is passably good-looking, they're not offering weekend project material. :)

I took my vacuum in to have it repaired, but when I called around trying to get my weed trimmer repaired they listed prices way above the cost of a new trimmer. I need to find some little old guy in the neighborhood who putters with engines to fix this thing. It's stupid to throw it away if it needs a simple adjustment, but the way these businesses are set up, they have too many layers of management that forces the hourly rate way too high because they need to cover the overhead.

Off my soap box. I guess I need to Google "small engine repair" and learn to do it myself. (It will slow down the de-cluttering if I do that, though).