The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113826   Message #2424155
Posted By: Paul Burke
28-Aug-08 - 07:04 AM
Thread Name: BS: Aspergers Syndrome?
Subject: RE: BS: Aspergers Syndrome?
I was talking about the apparent growth in cognitive disorders. They do exist- they have always existed- but I don't think there's much evidence of growth, just change in diagnostic patterns and attitudes to them. This is to do with the former stigma attached to such disorders- which was thought to reflect on the parents- having been greatly dissipated, and also to do with social factors like classroom assistance available for sufferers, claims for disability benefit etc.

A friend has a son who suffers from a hereditary condition which usually leads to severe learning difficulties. The boy himself has learning difficulties, but in a patchy sort of way- he has some social problems (his father describes him as socially suicidally reckless), and though he can read and do basic maths, he is behind his 15 years in these. At primary school he was statemented, and had a pretty good experience with plenty of one-to-one help in a small school. But when he progressed to secondary school, he was severely bullied, on account of his poor social cognitive ability and learning problems. He was labelled a dummy, in other words.

His parents worked the system to get a diagnosis of autism. he's certainly not autistic in my book, and I suspect yours. He doesn't conform to most descriptions of Asperger's either- I'd call him an ordinary bright 9 year old but in a teenager's body. But the result was a placement in a special school, where he has flourished- from being the inept dummy and butt for everything, he is the capable one, the leader. A great outcome, but based on a fraudulent diagnosis.