The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113186   Message #2424627
Posted By: Bat Goddess
28-Aug-08 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
Subject: RE: BS: De-Cluttering August - progress
I've been trying to make my way to the cellar to pull out canning jars for a friend -- been trying since I got out of bed this morning, but haven't gotten there yet.

In the meantime I de-cluttered the car of trash and put some stuff there that is going to various friends -- that way I'll have it with me when I see them. Also put a bag of clothes for Goodwill in the backseat -- one step closer to being gone.

Then I started pulling stuff out of the cupboards to de-accession, either through Freecycle, giving to someone (more dishes for my boss), my friend's yardsale or something. Nice stuff, but we just don't use it or need it. This de-cluttering, by the way, also involved contorting my body into some pretty interesting positions -- probably good exercise/stretching, but I'm going to feel it later! I was also able to put some of the stuff that didn't have a home INTO the cupboard into the unoccupied spaces left by the stuff I'm getting rid of. Empty space doesn't stay empty around here long!

Then I ate lunch on the quarterdeck -- which made me feel guilty about the yard work not getting done, so I pulled weeds (the tall ones, at least) up on the bank, hauled some downed branches and stacked them where I can more easily dispose of them, and exposed the bank side of the loam pile (I've been using the loam pile as a holding bed -- which means I can't actually remove and USE the loam...) so I can start spreading it where it needs to be.

One little step at a time on each of many projects. Sigh.

Laundry is being done right now and, after I pull the meat from a roasted chicken carcass, maybe I'll actually get down cellar and do what I need to there.

Oh, yeah, and maybe find the phone number of the magazine guy and the LP guy. And I need to email the guy interested in the lead type and remind him that he said he'd call and set up a time with Tom to come over and look at the type.

My next day off is Sunday, but we've got several parties to go to (and leave early from). Alas, I DON'T have the holiday off. The district manager ordained that the shop would be open (who goes looking for eyeglasses on Labor Day?!?) and, since I haven't been there long enough to get the holiday paid, I volunteered to work alone for the day so my co-worker can enjoy the holiday. (It's the manager's regular day off.)
