The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113873   Message #2424782
Posted By: Bobert
28-Aug-08 - 04:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Change is what we need?
Subject: RE: BS: Change is what we need?
Oh yeah, we've had plenty of change, Hubster... Lets do some review here of the kind of change we've seen over the last 8 years:

1. We took our eye off the real threat of a major terrorists act and consequently had over 3000 of our citizens killed...

2. We invaded a sovergn nation for fpr no good reason and in doing so...

...3. Changed upwards of a million alive and well Iraqis into dead and not-so-well Iraqis...

4. We bowed out of the Koyto Treaty threrefore craeting more global warming and crappier air to breath...

5. We turned our US Treasury over to Dick Cheney to disperse our hard earned tax dollars to his croonies...

6. We added another 15,000,000 to the uninsured...

7. We trashed an 800 year old internationally recognized principle of habeas corpes...

8. We violated The Geneva Convention...

9. We shreaded our own Constitutional rights to privacy...

10. We racked up record deficits...

11. We rekindled the Cold War...

12. We turned our back on the Isreali/Plaestinuab peace process...

13. We gave massive amounts of money to oil companies during a time when they were enjoying their greatest profit ever...

14. We quit hiring managers based on thier level of expertise but rather their particular politics...

15. We refused to allow the Environmental Protection Agency to consider state plans to reduce green house gases...

16. We politisized the Department of Justice...

17. We saw an unprecedented number of signing statements that, in essence said, "Yes, I understand this is the law but I don't care to abide by it"...

18. We saw a recount stopped and a Republican appointed Supreme Court appoint a president...

19. We gutted FEMA and watched helplessly as a major population center was all but destroyed...

20. We stretched our military so thin that we are now vulnerable and don't have the troops to fight the folks that attacked US...

Yes, Hub... We've seen unprecented change... So did Germany in the 30's... Given our history and our laws and our values the changes we have witnessed have not been the the best interest of our country or her people...

What we need is "cahnge that we can belive in" which means that it conforms to the beliefs that respect our history, oyr values and our laws...

And BTW, I stopped at 20 becasue it was an even number but could have but up another 20 without working up a sweat...
