The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113876   Message #2424839
Posted By: GUEST,beachcomber
28-Aug-08 - 05:40 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Recitations - Fed up of the same old
Subject: Lyr Req: Recitations......Fed up of the same old
At my age and considering the distance at which I am removed from my favourite watering hole, I confine my excursions to the Village to once weekly. As luck would have it Tuesday night is one night of just two that this pub opens nowadays, and that coincides with my night out. That is also the night that the last remaining "session" in our village takes place. The music is never great anymore but always enjoyable, naturally enough, after a few pints, when friends get together for a sing-song.

Occasionally, very occasionally, some young puppy will break into a song, perhaps a currently "charting number". We regulars never are sure, but, although generally good naturedly received, we tend not to encourage this type of thing.

One of my favourite offerings of the night was always "The Recitation". It has always been performed by the same bloke, a good friend, and often "brings the house down" (though this could depend on the overall composition of the clientele). He has been doing one or other of his repertoire of two poems, weekly, for more years than any of us care to admit but, because of the ever changing spectrum of customers it is nearly always "new" to someone.

It has been observed, of late however, that some restlessness is manifest among the Semi-regulars and tourists, and rude shouts for a range of new material have, several times, been heard. I have been nominated to seek out some new material and, of course, I thought to turn, once again, to the Mudcat people.

Liam's repertoire? (I thought you'd never ask)

His A side is "Chantilly Du Champignon", his encore, one that is known to us as "The Lodger" but may have other titles.

This is a serious matter and the "honour of the little Village" is at stake. I seek dramatic, humourous and quirky recitations and, I am confident that you, the Mudcat "Reciters", will answer the call.