The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113845   Message #2424875
Posted By: Amos
28-Aug-08 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Obama has accepted the nomination!
Subject: RE: BS: Obama has accepted the nomination!
Leave the context out, Sawz. Your viion of the truth isn't up to understanding context anyway. In your literal-minded monochromatic world all words are literal words, all statements must be true in or out of context, and nothing is relative.

Go off and cheer for yet another aged white man incapable of vision or dynamic growth or change, fixated on the bombast of weaponry and the military mindset.

Het, ya never know--the End Times could even start next week, and you would get sucked up to heaven and leave this all behind!! So why bother being accurate? Why bother looking for the good of intelligence, diplomacy, skilled management and diplomacy. Fuck it. Nuke 'em now and ask Jesus for forgiveness.
