The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113847   Message #2424965
Posted By: Bobert
28-Aug-08 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Harold Simmons, Big Fat Liar!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Harold Simmons, Big Fat Liar!!!
Now don't be like that, Rigs... Man, you is gettin' awfully cranky these days...

Ya' know, there's also somethin' called grassroots organizing and that's really why you have Obama... He went into Iowa and other places before he had any money and just out organized the the others... Ain't like he started with a big chuck of money...

Simmons??? He is like the 42nd richest man in the country... He bought and paid for the Swiftboat Liars and now it's the "American Issues Project... But like the Swiftboaters, it is like a rich guy using his money to use the "public airwaves" to tell outright lies...

It is my opinion that moneyed people whould not have access to the public airwaves to tell lies and to slander... Now if he wants to send out a mailer and lie thru hie teeth, then fine but the "public airwaves" the last I heard were supposed to be owned by all of US...
