The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113826   Message #2425222
Posted By: Mr Happy
29-Aug-08 - 05:12 AM
Thread Name: BS: Aspergers Syndrome?
Subject: RE: BS: Aspergers Syndrome?
Some've the ways my friend's affected are these:

His hand/ eye co-ordination is poor & has probs catching a ball or hitting one with a bat [while playing with the children]

Can appear quite clumsy, knocking things over, dropping things

Has frequent accidents, falling over, falling from bike, & sustaining lots've injuries through not seeming able to put out a hand etc to save himself.

He's quite a pleasing singing voice, & enjoys it more if musicians [such as me & other chums] accompany his renditions.

His timing for music is extremely wobbly, & its quite hard for us to play along, 쳌etho we try our best.

He tends to use song books & after having sung the 1st line of a verse, leaves no pause before continuing to the next line. He쳌fll carry on like this all the way through songs, as though he were reading a page of text, rather than poetry or song.