The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22385   Message #242707
Posted By: Mark Cohen
15-Jun-00 - 02:09 AM
Thread Name: Are you a lumper or a splitter?
Subject: RE: Are you a lumper or a splitter?
Be yourself
You can't be anybody else
Be yourself
Or else you'll always be a nobody
So be yourself, or else

A hippopotamus
Would look very curious
Flying like a butterfly
A fierce and hungry lion
Would look very silly tryin'
To bake an apple pie
I think you'd get a laugh
If you saw a tall giraffe
Swinging by his tail from a tree
I think an octopus
Would look quite ridiculous
Knitting sweaters at the bottom of the sea, so...
[repeat chorus]

I don't know who wrote it, but it's on Danny Kaye's recording of Tubby the Tuba at the Circus.
