The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113833   Message #2427618
Posted By: Big Al Whittle
01-Sep-08 - 09:55 AM
Thread Name: definition of a ballad
Subject: RE: definition of a ballad

do you ever consider what you're saying before letting fly with a streamful of abuse?

Who would do you think would be a an AMATEUR agent?

What would be the point of trying to make a moderate or a small amount of money?

We are talking about a business where breaks are rare as rocking horse shit. Maybe once in you life, three or four for the very lucky. You aren't in it for the money, just the love of the craft.

the rhyme of the Ancient mariner is a classic poem. Poems are different from songs. there is the metrical putty similar to a ballad, but the aims of the poet and the songwriter are diametrically different.

By and large poets draw attention to the language, songwriters on the other hand, work to a different discpline - what a singer can convey to the audience. What works in front of an audience.

(exceptions to this might be someone like Leonard Cohen - that 'hair sllepping on the pillow like sleepy golden storm' - that draws attention to the beauty of the language. Too much obsession - screws up a song writer - slows down the action. A grand obsession with language - is just the start for a good poet though.)

I suppose some tit of a classical composer might set STC to music. Safely protected by the BBC on its no listeners channel - (how come these classical guys always get their PRS money - BBC finds it too arduous to collect any money for the rest of us!).

At one point I tried to write a song based around the main themes of Frost at Midnight. Coleridge is complex stuff though. There might be a river, a snake, a church bell - but they are never quite what they seem.

Coleridge doesn't write verse - the thoughts conveyed in his work are not linear - one thought going on to another. His thoughts and ideas jump around like firecracker. He writes grown up poetry for people to read. Not sing - take it from one who has had a go - singing something like it....