The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2428671
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
02-Sep-08 - 09:29 AM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Be honest

An auspicious overture if ever there was one...

the same people have asked me the same question numerous times on Mudcat, and I HAVE answered frankly giving several reasons...

Not reasons, WAV - just more helpings of your rhetorical sloganeering.

trying to have a multiple number of cultures living under the one state law will always be problematic

We've been doing just fine in England these past 10,000 years give or take the occasional scuffle. Invasion results in eventual assimilation & culture is always a matter of change; just clock the names on the list of Bishops in Durham Cathedral after 1066. Not without its problems, but such is history, and such is humanity. Seems to me you feel you can / should control such things; that there exists a higher God-like morality to which we must all be be subjected whether we want it our not; a morality which you alone are privy to. Well, that's been tried, WAV - and it didn't work.

(and even New Labour - having strongly promoted immigration/the multicultural state for nearly a decade - have just begun to lean this way with English tests, etc., for potential immigrants)

Hurrah for New Labour, bunch of mushy-mouthed motherfuckers the lot of them. Who gives a fuck what they think? It's all just spin & hype anyway.

; ethnic conflict;

Rivers of Blood, no doubt - but such conflicts are the exception rather than the rule, and even then exceptions stirred up by such racist propaganda as you've obviously been suckling on, otherwise there'd be even less.

it's much more difficult for tourists to terrorise;

Nice one, WAV - try telling that to the victims of 9/11. Otherwise - where are all these terrorists? Or do you get off the train whenever a Muslim back-backer gets on?

when people lose their own culture, society suffers;

And just who, exactly, has lost their culture? And who is suffering as a result? You see, these are the sort of questions we really need answering here because we've heard all this rhetorical bullshit before and it simply isn't true - on the contrary, in terms of your somewhat myopic vision of what constitutes Our Own Good English Culture, things are healthier now than ever they were. So - where's the problem???

50 million is too many people for the area of land called England; etc.

So what now? Eugenics? Offing the disabled? Repatriating the immigrants? Deathcamps for racially impure? Punishments for couples who have more than one child? Enforced sterilisation of the underclass? What is your answer to this? Because if you see that as a problem (which it isn't) then you must have a solution in mind. That's the worrying thing, all these things you are so resolutely & righteously against that involve the lives and rights of countless thousands of people who must, somehow, be answerable to what you think.

So - enough of the slogans already, WAV; you're not being asked to design t-shirts, rather being invited to give account of your ideas & the logic & reasoning behind them. Take your time - no rush; and please be thorough; I want to see it all accounted for - facts, figures, sources etc. And I want to know just how we have lost our culture and how, for that matter, we are suffering because of it, because, from where I'm standing, nothing could be further from the truth.