The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2428681
Posted By: GUEST,JM
02-Sep-08 - 09:35 AM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
No WAV, you haven't answered the question adequately - you never do.

I don't think you're a racist (necessarily) but I do think you use dangerous language and terminology without properly explaining yourself or backing it up. It is very easy to read racist intentions into the stock phrases that you repeat time and time again, and unless you clarify and put a bit more thought into your arguments then other cannot be blamed for drawing their own conclusions. You simply cannot throw phrases like "trying to have a multiple number of cultures living under the one state law will always be problematic(...)when people lose their own culture, society suffers" around without an iron-clad reasoning.

While the opinions that you express might pass muster in a smaller, less knowledgeable group of people, Mudcat is an internationally read forum populated by posters who actually know things. You lecture about the role of the EFDSS on threads contributed to by John Adams, Derek Schofield, and Ruth Archer. You argue about traditional music with Eliza. There are lots of people on Mudcat who have devoted their entire lives to traditional music and yet you seem to think that you have. Meanwhile, the only sources that you offer to back up your ridiculous ideas are Wikipedia or your own website of poetry.

If you want to be taken seriously (and I think that ship has sailed long ago) then you need to re-think your ideas and present them in a better way. It is not the act of questioning immigration that causes problems but the motives behind you questioning it, and since you refuse to clarify what those motives are it is only natural that people will jump to conclusions.

As for "good English culture", I think your posts demonstrate that you have a very skewed idea of what English culture is.