The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #101088   Message #2428801
Posted By: Amos
02-Sep-08 - 11:29 AM
Thread Name: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Subject: RE: BS: Popular Views on Obama
Amos - I think they [] think they are working for the good of the country, but in reality, I think they see themselves as citizens of the world first. I further think that this is why Obama appeals to them.
                         Frankly, I think being a citizen of the world is a very important thing. The problem is, some parts of the world are not ready to make this transition. I think you need another Teddy Roosevelt or two, before you can surrender you sovereignty completely.
                         I think Obama would do it now. I would wait until third world nations and places under the control of religious zealots brought their population growth under contol first.


My apologies. I got distracted by a shitstorm and failed to notice your interesting and original remarks here. I appreciate their thoughtfulness.

I assume by "another Teddy Roosevelt" you mean a strong-hearted all-American leader who embodies the democratic and traditional American ideals and virtues, and not someone who will attack Cuba.

Your estimation of the necessary sequence--that nations free themselves of zealotry before becoming family to other nations -- is a good argument, one I agree with. Globalism is a good ideal, but we have to be very smart about what Friedman calls the flattening process, so that the reduction of inefficiencies in markets does not become an excuse for swamping local virtue.

However, although Obama believes in dialogue before the resort to force, and does not embrace the lone cowboy hero image so dramatized by his predecessor, I believe President Obama's convictions call for dialogue from strength, compassion from strength, and intelligent use of systems toward an improved scene within the nation and between the US and other nations. None of this smacks of giving away the store, which seems to sum up your apprehensions.

I am curious to know what specifics, if any, have lead you to this perspective about him, because my own take on his character is quite different.