The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2429668
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
03-Sep-08 - 06:43 AM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Sorry RM - we managed a couple of Morris posts, and I was hoping the latest was from a dancer who might have shed more light on how the different sides might be accomodated in such ceremonies

This thread was never about Morris Dancing, WAV - beginning as it does with a racially biased overview of what might (and implication might not) constitute an English Dance or an English Musical Instrument. As can be proven, not one of these is in any way, shape or form indigenous to an English People, as far as such a people can be proven to exist beyond your exclusively white fantasy of same.

but I, AGAIN, have to defend myself against the extreme pro-immigrationist IB.

You've been asked some very important questions with respect to your published ideology, WAV - questions you continually avoid by throwing up smokescreens, such as the one above. You feel you are under attack, which is ironic given the overall offensiveness of your world-view; a word-view you dedicate your life to the promotion of, and yet somehow lack the courage of your obvious convictions to account for.

You don't like/hate me questioning immigration and encouraging more English culture in England, so you keep trying to brand me as a "racist".

It is not just your questioning of immigration that bothers me, WAV - rather, it is your questioning of immigration coupled with your fantasy vision of what actually constitutes English Culture. What you see as English Culture is, in fact, the hobbyist concern of but a small minority of English People (folkies in other words) without whom it would have died the death long ago. In fact, it might be argued that in terms of actual cultural & social process and relevance it did die the death long ago and what we have now is but a quaint reconstruction lovingly maintained by a handful of dedicated enthusiasts, in much the same way that an old steam engine might be similarly kept running. Actual English Culture is that which is of concern to the any one of the English People (i.e. the 50 million citizens of England whatever their ethnicity or country of origin); so it's a pretty complex beast - and one which has precious little to do with your anachronistic & divisively racist and volkish concerns. As someone supposedly trained in the discipline of Anthropology one would think you would have understood this; but as it stands somewhat contrary to your racially exclusive fantasy, then it would appear you're bending the facts to fit the theories - hardly sound method in any academic discipline.   

And this is how you brand New Labout: "bunch of mushy-mouthed motherfuckers the lot of them."

I grow weary of political hype & rhetoric, whatever the stripe; I grow weary of their concerns and hypocrisy; I grow weary of the so-called Green issues we're constantly bombarded with; I am weary of Carrier-bag Ecologists and the countryside being fucked over by next to useless bloody windfarms; I am weary with their nannying interference in such cultural issues as fox-hunting & smoking in pubs; I am weary of it all because politicians have no actual connection with life; thus do I call them a bunch of mushy-mouthed motherfuckers. But this is just an opinion, WAV - one which I am, no doubt, entitled to: otherwise, I do not publish my feelings, nor yet actively promote them as the best way forward for humanity, and I welcome & encourage feelings to the contrary just as long as they don't amount to a pig-headed racist manifesto masquerading as the poetic musings of a benign ideologue.         

And this is how you brand yourself: Insane Beard...I don't think your beard is insane.

Insane Beard is not a brand, WAV - it is an anagram of my given name; one of many, I might add, but the most appropriate, I thought, to a folky forum such as Mudcat.