The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #64154   Message #2429756
Posted By: Jayto
03-Sep-08 - 09:23 AM
Thread Name: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
Subject: RE: Enrage Your Audience Stories?
I try to avoid generalizations, stereotypes, labels of any type. I know it is hard to see past them sometimes (I am not just saying that. We are all human you know). Human suffering and hardships though are something I sympathize with with very little exceptions. I understand your point of view Working Radish and I am not meaning to enrage you when talking about enraging an audience. I do appreciate your distinction though between the Confederacy and Southerners. Rarely in statements like that do you encounter that distinction and that is when my blood boils. I do not condone in anyway shape or form the bigotry and enslavement that occurred in the south. That would be a contridiction to what I have already written in the post. I want to make sure I do not leave that vague at all. Soemtimes people misunderstand or just read what they want in a post So I want to make that specifically clear. I respect your feelings but being a person of conviction I had to respond or it would have bugged me all day. I am not trying to start an argument I am simply putting my 2 cents in. I know I will probably get scolded for this one but I feel that until we view human beings as humans and not labels and sterotypes and learn to help the downtrodden and sympathize as a whole. Horrible attrocities will continue to occur.
Ok off my soapbox just had to get that off my chest.