The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113866   Message #2429892
Posted By: SINSULL
03-Sep-08 - 11:35 AM
Thread Name: BS: Observations of Republican Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Observations of Republican Convention
In the United States, no one gets to be a president or governor or mayor by being fair. Politics is a game of power and money.

"Obama at least sounds like he does..."
He's running for office. Of course he sounds like he is fair. Once in office, reality sets in. There is no fair way out of Iraq. There is no fair way to fix Social Security. There is no fair way to make inner city schools as good as suburban ones. And so on and so on.

There is no way to accomplish anything without compromise and closed door meetings and I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine. It is.

This is what makes me so angry - his war could never have been if both sides didn't collude to bring it off. Both sides lied.

Of the two I believe Obama will make the better president. I also believe that Al Gore would have made a better president and we would not be in this war had he won (well he did but that's another story). I am frustrated when election after election I see people dancing around convention floors pretending their candidate will change the world.

Rant over.