The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #106066   Message #2430373
Posted By: Bobert
03-Sep-08 - 07:57 PM
Thread Name: Getaway 2008
Subject: RE: Getaway 2008
Yeah, that's what they said about Camp Tumbleweed so I showed up with a sleeping bag and a wool army blanket and still got a frosted willie burger... Whatever that is???

We supposed to bring our own sheets and blankies, I reckon??? Geeze... I thought they'd have 'um and have our beds all made up with a little chocolate candy on the pillow waitin' fir us???

But, what the hay, they 'sposed to be heated but from what I understand the womenz is gonna get things so stoked up durin' the day that the camp will stay 'round 80 degrees all night...

Ahhhhh, I'm gonna get there by lunch Sunday... I gotta a gig Saturday so that's the earlist I can get there... Is the lunch gonna be okay 'er is it gonna be the Tumbleweed menu??? Awww, jus funnin'...

(No, I'm not...)

Hey, what's this here about alkeeee-hooollll??? They gonna give us breath-lizers and make us walk straight lines??? They gonna go thru our suitcases looking fir flasks, 'er what... I was tolt that as long as we was kinda cool and weren't falling down drunk and throwin' empty beer cans out the cabin windows that all would be okay??? That still (pun not inteneded) the case??? Hey, I'm a bluesman, gol danged it!!!

