The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113898   Message #2430555
Posted By: Barry Finn
04-Sep-08 - 01:22 AM
Thread Name: BS: Palin VP McCain choice
Subject: RE: BS: Palin VP McCain choice
Just in time for the election
"God will be coming to US from Alaska" on prime time! No commericals!

I'm beginning to feel as if it weren't for God & "God fearing folks" this nation would be just fine & upright on it's own. I don't understand why the republicans keep needing "God" to be part of the President's administration???? They lie, cheat, rain death & destruction & can't figure out what's right & wrong unless it comes from a thundering voice on high. I keep fearing these "Godly folks" will someday elect a Pope on the basis of an old New England saying that goes something like this: "the Lowells only talk to the Cabots and the Cabots only talk to God." Cross out Cabots & Lowells & insert Bush & Palin. It seems that if you want to be a serious canadate that someone one's mate ought to have a pipeline to the Almighty. They gotta have a minister preside over conferences, pretty soon it's gonna resemble a crowning complete with a Bishop with all the dressings & the crown.
But we aren't in Iraq on a holy war or a holy mission or are we, is oil the new Holy Grail. Do we really need to get rid of God's dumb animals like the wolf & the bear so we can drill a hole to hell?

Talk about dumbing down the campain. Now little Miss Shara of the Frozen Flame Sahara with just her "Hockey Mom" apple pie persona & a cutisy lowely BA in Jounralism is showing how one can insult intellegience & be cheered on by a bunch of buffons. Twice now today, once by the Huckster & once by McDunce. Both mentioned that the nation needs someone with, what was it "good common sense" or "reasoning" & then Hucky said "if we wanted someone with intellegence we'd go to Harvard & pick the brightest from there brightest" we'll we would like some one with intellegence for a change, thank you, please. Now I don't know if the Huckster knows if Obama graduated top in his class from Harvard but he's an idiot if he made that statement & didn't know, very likely he's an idiot but that doesn't matter if you got religion. McBain should've known better but then we're not looking for the republicans to present US with anyone that has a high degree of?????????,,whatever! Come to think of it the last time we had a president with an IQ over 100 he was a Democrate & the nation wasn't at war & it wasn't being foreclosed on either but the last 2 presidents with an IQ under 100 both were related, both were republicans, both had US in wars & the economy sucked, we voted on religious basis instead of intellegence. So what's so bad about voting for intellegence this time? What's so bad about peace, love & a bit of understaning. So what's wrong with the picture they're trying to paint about smart people?

I watched parts of the RNC & thought "I'm at a Sunday pre-school church rally", a really "feel good" type down home gathering, a slap each other on the back party & tell everybody how for the past 8 yrs we've not had a hand in anything that went wrong, it was the other guys that weren't in office that fuck up everything. I couldn't believe what I was hearing. If you pray, pray that we don't get saddled with the likes of this extreme right winded dinged bat fanatical barn breeding fur burning oil drinking cattle prodding shit slinging bunch of side tramps that think the rest of us just rode into town on the turnip truck.
