The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114071   Message #2430867
Posted By: sian, west wales
04-Sep-08 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: Crowdercref in Cardiff
Subject: Crowdercref in Cardiff Conference
Well, Crowdercref among others.

On Sept 20 (Sat) there will be a one-day conference at the Wales Millennium Centre, "Shaking Off the Dust", where Mike /Crowdercref will talk about his work unearthing manuscripts in Cornwall, Cass Meurig will talk about her work getting Welsh manuscript music back into circulation, and Loeiz De Bras from Brittany (Dastum) will share thoughts on his work republishing old Breton songs.

It starts at 11.00 (well, 10.30 for 11.00 is what we're advertising) and it would be Most Excellent if Mudcatters of the vicinity could support the event!

Tell you what - there's a £10 registration which I shall knock down to £8 for 'Catters.

I've been talking to Mike / Crowdercref and he has some really great news about recent 'finds'. I think the day could be a real hoot.

It would be good, however, if people can let us know if they're coming. M Le Bras will be speaking in French (and I'm not sure if Cass will speak Welsh or English) so we need to order translation headsets; numbers will help!
