The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #104743   Message #2431204
Posted By: Bat Goddess
04-Sep-08 - 04:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: What made you happy today
Subject: RE: BS: What made you happy today
Today I solved a computer hassle that's been annoying and getting worse for the past several weeks. The mouse would go into squirrelly mode making it almost impossible to get anything done. Then it wouldn't move at all. Sometimes a reboot would help. Sometimes it made no difference at all.

Turned out to be the obvious -- my keyboard is partially fried. Other than one day last week when the whole keyboard refused to work for about a half hour, they keyboard part of the keyboard is currently working okay, but a mouse plugged into it works barely at all.

So...since I can't afford a replacement keyboard (G4 USB) right now, I've got pleas out to friends in hope someone has one in their pile of techno crap that I can use/barter for/promise money at a later date. My workaround is working but a bit awkward -- I've got my spare non-Apple mouse with the longer cord (operative term here is "longer cord") plugged into the hub (which is on the wrong side of the computer).

So that makes me happy, too -- a workaround that works!

I updated my resume this morning and will send it off to a staffing agency I've been working with right after I put the plaintext version together and make sure the line endings don't cause problems. That makes me feel better, too -- first step in the search for another job, one that will (unlike my current job) actually pay a living wage.

Oh! My first by-lined article in over 30 years is in NH To Do magazine -- on the stands today! It's not that I haven't been writing for the past 30 years, it's just that I've been anonymously keeping my clients from embarrassing themselves in print.
