The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #4451   Message #24314
Posted By: Art Thieme
22-Mar-98 - 01:05 AM
Thread Name: Telephone/telecommunications songs
Subject: Lyr Add: VIDEO TAPE^^
Steve Goodman wrote this great song:

Everything would be O.K.
You could smell danger coming,
And you could step out of the way,
When the grim reaper came to call,
You could arrange to be out of town,
Wouldn't you be in great shape,
If your life was on video tape!

If everybody had ESP,
Everything would be all right,
When your head hurts the morning after,
You could roll it back to late last night,
You could replay all of the good parts,
Cut out what you don't like,
Wouldn't we be in great shape,
If our lives were on video tape!

Now, I don't have a video recorder,
And I don't have a crystal ball,
But when I'm not with my baby,
I'm just about nowhere at all,
I can't predict the future,
And I sure can't see the past,

But I know it would all make sense,
If you'd love me in the present tense.

HTML line breaks added. -JoeClone, 24-Jul-01.