The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114088   Message #2431655
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
05-Sep-08 - 06:28 AM
Thread Name: My voice is heavily damaged! HELP!
Subject: RE: My voice is heavily damaged! HELP!
Go to an ear, nose and throat specialist... rest and lubricate as much as you can.

Warm up slowly - your description sounds like you've just been launching into stuff without warming up. The voice is like a muscle. Work it too hard too quickly and you'll "pull" it, making it sound scratchy and tickly. Start with some sub voce excercises first thing, something you can do on the bus without being stared at... and work up gently to proper excercises. If you are a stage singer you will have been shown these. If you haven't, then you have an appalling teacher or voice coach.

Get professional help.