The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114088   Message #2431967
Posted By: GUEST,crazy little woman
05-Sep-08 - 12:52 PM
Thread Name: My voice is heavily damaged! HELP!
Subject: RE: My voice is heavily damaged! HELP!
Hope you're still in touch, Alex.

Consider this. I'm from Kansas City. We had a run of 'Wicked' here lately, and during this run, 'Wicked' grossed its one-billionth dollar. Yes, $1,000,000,000 - American.

Imagine the kind of technology that a show like that can afford. Imagine the incentive there is to protect the voices of its performers.

But here you are, at a private school, no doubt expected to reproduce a show like that without the technology and without the one billion dollars. It's insane.

There's hope, I think. The people who are applying the pressure have no idea how unrealistic they are and have no idea of the damage they are doing to you and your students. I think they can be made to listen to reason.

As for voice advice, I agree with those who say see a specialist, etc.