The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114019   Message #2432233
Posted By: Q (Frank Staplin)
05-Sep-08 - 06:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Police state in Minneapolis-protest bus seized
Subject: RE: BS: Police state in Minneapolis-protest bus seized
The protests served little purpose. Anti-war demonstrations may be useful in Washington, D. C., but not at the conventions where the parties are trying to carry out their purpose of formalizing their nominations of candidates.

Governor Tim Pawlenty praised the planning and response of the police chief and County sheriff.
"... when they saw violence or people who were putting property or other people at risk they needed to move in, and they did. They contained the situation, they managed it very well and in tense circumstances."

Some 19 journalists were detained, and 400 demonstrators were arrested on the last day of the convention. The permit for anti-war demonstration had expired, and the demonstrators had no excuse for their actions.

Based on report in Minneapolis Star Tribune, "Arrests Mark Last Anti-war March of Convention," Foley and Lohn, Sept. 5, 2008.