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Thread #113866   Message #2432694
Posted By: Bobert
06-Sep-08 - 01:09 PM
Thread Name: BS: Observations of Republican Convention
Subject: RE: BS: Observations of Republican Convention
Well, heric, McCain is repsonsible for his choice of VP and he is responsible for the tone of his campaign... He reminds me of a bully who apologizes between punches but keeps on punching, non the less...

What John McCain has done so far in this campaign is insure that if he gets elected he will not have bi-partisanship... His VP alone will insure that...

The "old" McCain would have had a chance to be successful... The "new" one, the one that has caved to the rightest of the right, has no chance of success... Even if he says that he won't seek a second term, it won't matter because, IMO, if you think that the cuurent Congrss and Bush can't work together, you haven't seen nuthin' yet... A Democratic Congress and the ***new 'n unimproved*** McCain won't be able to pass one single significant piece of legislation and in '12 the American people will finally get it that Bush's policies just don't work...

The sad part about this is that Obama has held the high ground thru this all and hasn't been the bridge burner and is the only candidate who has a chance of getting Congress to work better but between the negative personal attacks by McCain and the fact that he is black he has an uphill battle if he continues to walk the high road... And if he takes the low road then McCain will attack him as just another politican...
