The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #21800   Message #243283
Posted By: The Shambles
16-Jun-00 - 06:40 AM
Thread Name: Folk song collecting. Good or bad?
Subject: RE: Folk song collecting. Good or bad?
The ideal situation is to have both, we at least appear to agree on that. Jacky Daly did not have or want to have a choice between them. He was making the most of a bad job. He just slightly felt better about the hand that he was given, rather than the one he could have been given.

In these sad and unfortunate circumstances, I feel that most musicians would share that view. For it is music that we are talking about.

The provenance of a tune, which is the main attraction of it to some, goes with the title of the tune. The actual music that is played under that title, would appear, on occasions to be less important or interchangeable.

This is also true of classical music. I have heard people spout on about when why or how the composer did certain things in the piece playing, to discover that it was a different piece or even a different composer.

The situation when you have some words, makes this less likely to happen, in the case of songs. The fact that it can and does happen with tunes, is surely enough to at least make us think about why we are first drawn to certain songs and tunes?

To me, it is always the aesthetic attraction of the music. In the case of songs, it is that wonderful combination of words and music but it is never the title, or provenance of it. That comes later.