The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114162   Message #2434283
Posted By: Little Hawk
08-Sep-08 - 01:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: President Soccer Mom Surges in Polls....
Subject: RE: BS: President Soccer Mom Surges in Polls....
Heh! Well, that's what I thought it was, Carol. I can't for the life of me see what it has to do with being qualified for public office though.

Now, the moose hunting...that's different! I think that everyone who runs for public office should have blown away a moose or two in their time with a high-powered rifle. If they haven't, they're just not ready to lead!

And that's why I think Obama's lack of moose-killing experience is probably the biggest thing he's got going against him right now (other than the fact that he's so obviously intelligent). ;-) What if the USA gets attacked at 3 AM by a rogue moose while Obama's on the watch, huh? What then? He'd probably sit down and have a nice talk with that moose and engage in a search for shared values, common ground, and mutual understanding.

Well, I know what Sarah Palin would do, by God. She'd plug that goddamn moose right between the eyes. That woman is dangerous and she's not afraid to show it. That's the kind of person I WANT in the Oval Office (cough, cough...).

Like Dick Cheney in a skirt...only way better in every way.