The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114180   Message #2434721
Posted By: Amos
08-Sep-08 - 08:04 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alaska gov. Palin and banned books
Subject: RE: BS: Alaska gov. Palin and banned books
I have no desire to forward false data or offer smears, although I have sometimes done so. I thought Ms Palin was very bright, an excellent spear carrier for her campaign.

But the issue of banning books was raised by her three times, not once.

If I were mayor I think the question would never have come up once. The question I would have asked the town's senior librarian, rather than how she would feel about banning books, is how she would like to expand her booklist, and what could be done to acheive that.

Of all the questions to ask!!!

So, it seems fair to wonder what was on he rmind that the subject even came up once, let alone three times.