The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114180   Message #2434738
Posted By: Bill H //\\
08-Sep-08 - 08:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alaska gov. Palin and banned books
Subject: RE: BS: Alaska gov. Palin and banned books
I have just come back from chairing a meeting of my local library board and one of our members is the director of a very prestigious library in Connecticut. He brought up--after the meeting--the issue of Palin and her problems with a local library.

I think that the whole issue is not what books are on the list or some such matter. What is of concern is that she attempted to have the Library Director fired and requested books to be removed. It smacks of a further step along a line that the Bush administration has plowed into a path.

The trouble with so much of this is the minutae. Look at the big picture---or use a big brush. Palin tries to dictate and make sure all follow her lead (orders). She seems almost like a resurrection of Mussolini---the trains will run on time and I will rule this country. Of course, then Adolf ruled him but that is beside the point.

One other thought---an aside, if you will. Some say that her family members and issues should be off limits. OK (though it seems not to apply to others). So why is it then that she prominently parades them on the platform---included her newest child and, of course, the new son-in-law to be.   Bet that dude will be a boon at the white house to mingle with the gunslinging, beer swilling set.

By the way--a true Right To Lifer does not believe there is a choice. How is it then that Sarah of the Planet Hypocrisy blesses her daughter for making a right choice. By the way---her first was born(Sarah"s) very shortly after her marriage. Nuff said there about values.

I think the blame for all this lies squarely with John McCain. Pandering in the first degree in choosing a candidate for VP that was not his choice but, rather, a choice to placate and pacify the ultra-right of his party.   Great first decision for a would be Pres.---go for the easy out. Sound familiar?

Bill Hahn