The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #3275   Message #2435442
Posted By: Jim Carroll
09-Sep-08 - 02:47 PM
Thread Name: Help: The Foggy Dew: Sud el Bar? Huns?
Subject: RE: The Foggy Dew (NOT Bachelor)
I apologise if my postings sound personalised - it really wasn't my intention.
It's simply that I find myself unable to get my head around the jingoism that sent millions to their deaths (even in retrospect).
I think we locked horns once before over the film about the death of Kipling's son.
For me, Kipling, as somebody who was quite prepared to send British youth to their deaths for an obscure cause, only changing his mind when the consequences of his attitude touched him personally, will forever symbolise the hypocrisy of Imperialist wars.
Jim Carroll