The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114180   Message #2435681
Posted By: Joe Offer
09-Sep-08 - 06:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Alaska gov. Palin and banned books
Subject: RE: BS: Alaska gov. Palin and banned books
Yep, that's all correct, Carol, but I'm still trying to figure out what your point is. As far as I know, the "official" U.S. government stuff has been relatively careful to stay away from things that are exclusively Christian - although there have been slip-ups here and there, the references to God are generally inclusive of all who acknowledge a deity. If I were an atheist, I'd have some problem with all of this, however. Actually, as a liberal, I have some problem with both God and Flag because it seems the Republicans have taken ownership of both. The Pledge of Allegiance makes me uncomfortable, too. I try to mumble the worst parts of it...

In general, Deists like Thomas Jefferson believed in a God who created and then left creation more-or-less alone. That's an oversimplification, but you get the idea.
