The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22479   Message #243630
Posted By: Ebbie
16-Jun-00 - 10:50 PM
Thread Name: Chatting With The Deceased? Do You?
Subject: RE: Chatting With The Deceased? Do You?
Jon, I understand where you're coming from- I was brought up that way. However, I do believe you're jumping the fence here instead of using the gate. When a person goes to a seer with the aim of contacting the dead, that is a dozen miles' difference from talking to someone in a graveyard. I personally don't see any reason why a person's spirit would hang around the grave site- or around a cast off body- so I doubt that one would have a meaningful experience in a graveyard with that person.

However, again, anecdotal evidence suggests that at least on occasion there is contact. Perhaps it's simply that we are easier to 'reach' in a relaxed or pensive or wistful state than when we are busy in our work-a-day lives. Maybe, if we were but sensitive enough, we'd find there are beings who have tried unsuccessfully and repeatedly to get our attention.

In any case, intent must be the operative ingredient. When a person walking in the light, protected by the light of Love, whether purposefully or inadvertently contacts or is contacted by beings gone before, I say it comes from God.

I trust the Creator and if he/she ordains that I have such an experience, I'm humbled and exalted at the same time.

So I shall continue to stroll and linger and ponder among the graves. And yes, address a thought or a song to individuals.

All the above IMHO. :)
