The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114249   Message #2436455
Posted By: Hawker
10-Sep-08 - 02:02 PM
Thread Name: Thorn & Roses At Bude 14th Sept
Subject: Thorn & Roses At Bude 14th Sept
Bude Folk Club presents........
The fantastic harmony trio 'Thorn & Roses' - aka Jinks Jenkins, Rowena Metters and Sylvia Fletcher
Come and enjoy an evening in their company and listen to soaring harmonies,beautiful songs and light hearted banter as only they can!
On Sunday 14th September At The Falcon Hotel, in The Carriage Room at 8pm. There is an entry charge of £5 (£4 for members) as it is a guest night. (Club nights are free)
We look forward to seeing you there.
Cheers, Lucy