The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113765   Message #2436977
Posted By: Mavs82
10-Sep-08 - 11:31 PM
Thread Name: Review: Sidmouth '08
Subject: RE: Review: Sidmouth '08
Dick the Box, more comprehensive comment/feedback on your post!!

"Steve Wozniak....visionary genius or a complete tosser" - I'm of the latter opinion.

"scrapping the Bulverton as a venue on the grounds that it is the least cost effective of the Sidmouth venues (especially in view of the losses that the festival has made in the last three years)" - Is this the case? Do either you or Steve know this? Or are you guessing?

"it is a muddy and steep trek to get to (the bulverton)" - Yes, but it always has been.

"it is not at the heart of the festival (apart from LNE)" - that opinion depends on what you go to Sidmouth lookinh for - bear in mind it is a very diverse festival offering much for many tastes.

"it is one of the major contributors to noise pollution (why does it have to be so loud? it must piss off the residents of upper Sidmouth big time)" - And you think you can solve this by putting it closer to the town?!?! And actually, I can tell you it was not as load as comparable festivals.

"it is probably a big target for Environmental Health and Licensing" - Target? What does that mean?

"it is probably the second most costly venue behind the Ham." - Probably, but does that mean it should be axed? Surely as the most expensive, the ham should, if you follow the logic through.

Should the venue be scrapped, moved or kept? Does it serve a useful and popular purpose apart from LNE? - It should, in my opinion, be kept. I think it could be used more during the day but I believe most of the criticisms levelled at it on .uk are b****cks, quite frankly. Saying the venue was rubbish due to the lack of "dancers who knew what they were doing" - what an exclusive, disgusting remark. Surely we should be encouraging people to join in and not complaining that less experienced dancers "probably ruined everyone else's run".

Sorry, I don't mean to rant but much of the stuff on SeeRed in utter tripe. He's passing off his personal opinions off as facts!

Steve, if you're reading this, let me know. I'm local to you and want to meet you sometime.