The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2437156
Posted By: GUEST,Ralphie
11-Sep-08 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
To get to the nub of WAVs various posts.
I'd like him to name one pure bred English person.
For myself, I've got bits of Celts, Danes, French, Jews, Germans, and Gawd knows what else in my ancestral past.
And proud of every man jack of them!

If I ever met someone who could prove.....and I mean PROVE! that he/she where truly from undiluted English stock, (whatever that is!) I would shake their hand, but, (and heres the rub)
I wouldn't recognise the person in front of me. Because that person cannot possibly exist.
Have to go now.
Have got to brush up on the Chaucerian version of the English language.
(Which obviously, no doubt, you are well acquainted.
Why not send your next text in "Middle English" to prove your ancestry?)

Oh, and by the way the Cittern isn't English. So there.

Oh (again). WAV...You were born here, but lived most of your life elsewhere? Presumably at your parents choosing. Yes?
Therefore they (and you) were economic migrants too?

Pots/Kettles Discuss!