The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113765   Message #2437487
Posted By: Mavs82
11-Sep-08 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: Review: Sidmouth '08
Subject: RE: Review: Sidmouth '08

I'm not trying to deny that you may have a valid point, but as was previously pointed out in this thread it is sometimes the case that one or two venues need to be subsidized by other venues to ensure the diversity of the festival.

The flip side of this coin is that if you did choose to axe the Bulverton, how many paying customers would decide that the season ticket was no longer worth having, not attend the festival and therefore reduce revenue further. In that sense, is it not a question of speculate to accumulate?! Is it not better to listen to what people are saying and use the venue in a different way next year, rather than 'give up' on it as a 'lost cause'?

Regarding your comment about noise levels, I accept your point, but it is a difficult situation. If you reduce the volume until it is inaudable from the campsite you would find that it seems too quiet in the venue itself and would be drowned out by the sound of feet/talking etc. I think the bass frequencies are the major issue due to the fact that they travel further when amplified to the same level as the mids and trebles.

Regards licencing, yes, I realise this and would generally agree, but SFWP need to work with them rather than being intimidated by them - kowing tow to their every demand doesn't help the festival's ongoing relationship with the authorities who aren't there purely to spoil everyone else's fun.

Like I said on a previous post, I don't actually intend to rant, but the survival of the festival is close to my heart. As a local boy I understand what it does for the local economy and I also know that most of the locals look forward to, and enjoy Folk Week.

What I want is for people to help develop the festival and not be so quick to damn it. Sorry for any offence caused - I'm passionate. And with reference to my earlier comment about wanting to meet Steve W, it wasn't meant to sound like a threat, I genuinely want to see if some of the points he raises can be utilised. Some of them (the less sweeping generalisations) are quite valid.