The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #113747   Message #2438505
Posted By: mandotim
12-Sep-08 - 01:10 PM
Thread Name: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Subject: RE: '5000 Morris Dancers'
Ok WAV; you want to 'make illegal' all 'economic' immigration. That's precisely the point; you benefited from such immigration into Australia, and now you want to prevent others from benefiting from the same process, albeit reversed. Dog in the manger probaly sums it up.
As for your second point about politics; your arguments really are laughable, and your ability to miss the point borders on the heroic at times. The fact that there are political people involved in folk music does not equate the folk world with true electoral politics. Folk music is not a democracy, we don't have to hold our opinions up to scrutiny by the public in elections, just play or sing to audiences, who may or may not listen. Having said that, most people in folk don't seek to prescribe a way of living for others or propound a particularly noxious set of prejudices (masquerading as social and economic policies)as a kind of political manifesto. You do, and to me it seems that this kind of behaviour is better suited to electoral politics. I say again; have the courage of your convictions, and stand for election. I did, why can't you? Afraid of how real English people might view your ideas?