The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114334   Message #2438759
Posted By: Ed T
12-Sep-08 - 05:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: Fish
Subject: RE: BS: Fish
I highly recommend fresh scallops, rolled in flour and pepper and lightly fried in olive oil butter or healthy margarine (low heat) until Brown. Good with mashed potatoes and sting beans (with Bread and butter pickles, or chou-chou).

If you like fried haddock, that is not too greasy:
Wash off the fillets and dry.
Cut in sizes you like.
mix 1'5 cup flour, pinch salt pinch pepper, table spoon (or less) chicken powder, teaspoon baking powder, an egg, enough water to make a mixture that is not too sticky. Set for 10 minutes.
Dip and fully coat fillets.(must be dry for batter to stick).

Heat half an inch (or less) safflower oil (best tasting and healthy oil). Test heat with a small drop of coating mix. Of it sizzles put fish in and fry, turn when brown and remove (I use tongs) when both sides are brown. (if you turn fillets too soon, batter will stick to the pan). You may have to turn heat slightly up, if fillets seem to cool oil down.

Arrange cooked fillets on their ends on a dish with paper towels under to remove excess oil.