The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114326   Message #2439477
Posted By: Ron Davies
13-Sep-08 - 06:01 PM
Thread Name: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
Subject: RE: BS: Sarah Palin Stands Tall for Georgia
The real question for Sarah to answer re: standing up for Georgia, and how far she would do that----and I don't think it was dealt with by Charlie Gibson--is exactly what her view is of the "end times". The church she belonged to for 20 years believed strongly in this idea, which is " the days preceding a world-ending cataclysm bringing Christian redemption and the second coming of Jesus" (WSJ 4 Sept 2008). Since, according to that church, of course good Christians would welcome the Second Coming, they would also not be totally averse to the world-ending cataclysm which precedes it--in fact they believe that this cataclysm is inevitable.

As David Gushee, a Christian ethicist at Mercer University in Atlanta, notes, it would be good for Gov. Palin to explain her beliefs about the inevitable world-ending catastrophe and the end of time. "To me it is highly relevant to someone who potentially has her hand on the nuclear button. If that is her world-view, I would want to know about that."

She should also be asked about another view of the pastor of Wasilla Assembly of God, her church for 20 years".   "I believe criticisms come from hell. God has placed this man in authority" ( GWB is the man meant here.) "You criticize the authority, you're literally bringing in hell with the criticism."

They raked Obama over the coals for Rev Wright, and he totally rejected Rev Wright's outlandish views. Let's see how far she believes what she heard at Wasilla Assembly of God.

Normally religion and politics should be separated as much as possible. But these issues bring religion right into politics--and must be addressed.