The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114180   Message #2440007
Posted By: Riginslinger
14-Sep-08 - 11:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Alaska gov. Palin and banned books
Subject: RE: BS: Alaska gov. Palin and banned books
Ron - I don't think Rush has been on TV for a long time, and I don't listen to him on the radio. I do watch Hannity, from time to time, but it's hard to take a lot of what he says seriously.

                And I would agree that Sarah Palin's fundamentalism is disturbing, but I don't think it is as threatening to the country as Obama's Reverend-Wright brand of self delusion.
                Obama is supposed to be progressive, after all, so I think the citizenry will come to its collective senses sooner following the more obvious false choice.