The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114361   Message #2440466
Posted By: Nigel Parsons
14-Sep-08 - 08:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: When did 'forbid' become 'forfend'?
Subject: RE: BS: When did 'forbid' become 'forfend'?
Sorry for the balk post!

Little Hawk says:
"Backwoodsman got if perfectly when he said of "heaven forfend" that it "Sounds more like the kind of pretentious bollox that some overpaid Chelsea-dwelling barrister might come out with in order to discombooberate his pals whilst supping his champagne in a trendy wine-bar."

Heh! That's exactly how I see it."

The fact that you don't recognise a word that is valid english useage doesn't make it improper. We (the British) seem to have problems with other countries using our language and trying to bend it to their preferences.
As has been mentioned above, the english language has a (perhaps unparalleled) vocabulary, with slight nuances to each word. To decide that one particular word should no longer be used (in favour of another) impoverishes our language.

PS I accept that Lisa in "The Simpsons" has added 'Embiggens' to the language. (though I don't like it)