The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114397   Message #2440566
Posted By: Nerd
14-Sep-08 - 11:16 PM
Thread Name: Political Fallout At House Concert
Subject: RE: Political Fallout At House Concert
Well, it's obviously a question of what they actually said. It's well and good to sit here, pdq, and talk about the eradication of Israel or the praise of Hitler...but I know these performers, and I know they didn't say anything of the sort. They said something along the lines of "we think Bush has done some stupid, illegal and immoral things." I can't imagine them venturing into "hate speech" at all.

One thing that bugs me is when people try to claim that anything they disagree with is "hate speech." Pdq only fans the flames with ludicrous references to supporting Hitler. It's like saying: "Well, what if the performers said we should all eat babies? Should the audience get its money back THEN?"

The answer is NO. The artists are ARTISTS, and the audience members paid because they suspected they might like the art. They were wrong. They wasted their money. It happens to everyone. You don't get your money back for every movie you don't like or every concert you don't like or every play you don't like. They should grow up.