The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #114388   Message #2440597
Posted By: Rapparee
15-Sep-08 - 12:19 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chongo names Rapaire as his VP!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Chongo names Rapaire as his VP!!!
Its...its just...just SWELL!

Chongo has promised me that I'll be a vital and very important cog in his administration, that I'll being doing a lot more than just fetching bananas and whiskey like Dick Cheney. He said that he wants a man who will disagree with him, who will argue with him and who, if need be, isn't afraid to literally shoot it out (on an Approved Shooting Range, of course). He said that I would also be inspecting military and intelligence facilities, especially Area 51 and certain CIA sites located at currently undisclosed locations where the CIA prepares the tools necessary to fulfill its mission. Chongo wants us to be fully prepared for any eventuality, including the inevitability possibility that he could become incapacitated or killed and I'd have to quickly take over the reins of the government. For that reason he promises to keep me fully "in the loop" -- and I promise to keep Bobert there also.

Working with your fellow primates is an awesome experience.