The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #22463   Message #244175
Posted By: John in Brisbane
18-Jun-00 - 08:07 PM
Thread Name: visually impaired users
Subject: RE: visually impaired users
My sincere thanks to Richard for starting this thread and for all who have provided Links to find out more. Special thanks to George.

As an amazing coincidence I was last night asked to review the brief to develop a Wab page for Queensland Parents of People with a Disability. QPPD is a political advocacy organisation with major efforts in inclusion in education, training and employment. My wife Anne has worked her insides out for QPPD for a number of years, we have a son with Down Syndrome and my own visual impairment is now quite advanced.

Amoing Feorge's Links I found a site called Bobby at This allows you to rate any Web Site from the view point of accessibility and a report is provided. Maybe Max may care to run Mudcat through its paces.

Many thanks, John